Tag Archives: freeware

Fully customized hello bar alternative

Notification bar can be used to greet users with messages and show them some content related to the one they are already reading and Hello bar is the notification bar with lots of features but it costs too much.

Here is an alternative that I coded and you can use it for free on your website or blog.

Here are instructions for implementing it on your web pages: Fully customizable notification bar

And if you want to have a look on the demo then head to this page: Demo of customizable notification bar

Some key features:

  • It is intelligent
  • You can customize its looks and colors

See you soon with some new posts and tools. Till then take care.

Feedburner Subscribe box

Here is a freeware feedburner Subscribe box to boost your feedburner followers. I got inspiration from wordpress blog and thought I should have this. So I coded and also released for everyone who wants to add that to their blog or website. You can visit my main blog for more information about this or you can just visit Sticky Feedburner follow/subscribe box.